Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brotherly LOVE...

You love your brother...that is one thing I am soooooo certain of...look at your face, look at how peaceful you seem, when he is near, touching you, holding, you and being with you...

I've added some older photos from last summer and your first winter, when you had your wild and crazy hair-do...when I look at these older photos, I can't help but remember how much your brother wanted a sibling---to play with, laugh with, and share a room with...and how much he has grown since becoming a big brother! He will being Kindergarten in a few weeks and asked me the other day if you could go with him. He is so gentle with you, but also so rough with you, which you love...he recently began doing some crazy Karate chop with you and you get laughing so hard that you "toot" and actually sometimes need your diaper changed!!! It's hysterical! He will be your hero for many days to come! He has grown into such a mature, strong little boy...he has had a monumental summer---taught himself how to ride his bike, without training wheels one week before he turned five, and basically taught himself how to swim the full length of our pool in almost a week...I can barely keep up with him in the pool any longer. He has your father's athletic ability and my brains...what a deadly combination!!!

1 comment:

Misty said...

that is sooo sweet! oh my goodness, what beautiful kiddos you have!